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Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Display in image ads and earn extra revenue (money) from your blog

Display in image ads and earn extra revenue (money) from your blog or website. If you have more images than text in your blog, then you can now earn from those images too.
in image ad network 400x269

You may heard of in text advertising company, but here is a new idea of displaying in image ads. There a Ad network named image space media which displays ads on the images and when people click on those ads, you will get paid. You need not do anything for all the images in your blog. Just add a small piece of code to your blog and start earning from your images. Some of the features as said by them are -

* Unobtrusive – the transparent ads are user-initiated and only appear when your reader mouses over an image.
* Easy to Install – just one snippet of JavaScript or a simple WordPress widget. Forget technology confusion!
* Additional Revenue – doesn’t conflict with other revenue sources.
* Relevance – our sophisticated keyword matching is based on your metadata to ensure all ads are targeted and relevant.
* New Ad Space - our technology maximizes ad space on existing web pages without compromising your priceless content.
* Impact - combines relevancy of the brand association with an evocative visual experience and have higher CTR’s than banner ads.

Just add the code and they will display ads on relevant images that fit a unique set of parameters on top or bottom of the image. Whenever a user hovers mouse on that image the ad will be displayed. If you have got more images in your blog then you can try ImageSpaceMedia once.

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